Wear It Wild 

Join Wear it Wild – for a gold coin donation each, students come to class dressed as their favourite animal! With lesson plans and wild fundraising ideas, students can learn about nature and help save it.

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In the land of the koala, the quoll and the platypus, our mammals are the most distinctive in the world. 86% can’t be found anywhere else. Sadly, Australia has the highest mammal extinction rate in the world, and these iconic species are at risk of disappearing forever. Your school can help shine a spotlight on nature loss by Wearing it Wild  and raising funds to help regenerate nature. 


Check out some of the impact your school can have by raising funds and Wearing It Wild.


Could provide two months of supplemental feeding for an eastern quoll.


Could help build a metre of fox-proof fencing to protect threatened species like the brush tailed bettong.


Could create safe wildlife habitat corridors by planting trees in key locations so koalas can move safely between forest areas.

Exclusive Resources

When you register for Wear it Wild, you'll gain access to a wide range of resources, like curriculum-aligned lesson plans, fundraising guides and exciting activities to help you make the most of your fundraising whilst learning about protecting our planet!