Ebony's Social Action Project

By Save The Turtles

I've created this page because I want to help protect nature and our planet!  

For my Social Action Project in Big Picture, I have decided that I wanted to make an impact on saving the turtles, I love turtles, and I want to do what I can to help them in this time of need.

Please consider clicking the DONATE button to support my efforts. 

I'm passionate about doing what I can to support the turtles and cleaning our planet. My fundraising can help protect these creatures and their homes.

In recent years, we've seen and lived through devastating wildfires and floods, record-breaking temperatures, multiple mass coral bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef, rampant deforestation, and the highest rate of mammal extinction in the world. 

You can help take the urgent action needed.

It will take all of us working together with our Aussie spirit of rolled-up sleeves and resilience to protect what’s left and restore what we’ve lost. Together, we can rehabilitate, repopulate and restore wildlife and habitats and build Australia’s resilience against climate disasters.

Please consider donating to my page and helping WWF-Australia protect our precious nature. Your support would mean the world to me.

Thank you so much! 

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my sponsors for helping to save the planet!


Janice Butler

Sale of turtle themed home made merchandise.


Karis Mccarthy


Michelle Christmas


Justine Dunlop

Great work Eb!!


Kevin Smith

from Kevin!!!



Wonderful work Ebs with your social action! Your designs and stall.


Lee Pike


Peta Ryan

What an amazing job you’ve done Ebony. <3


Chayce Newberry




Abbie Smith


Carly Grey


Pippa Newby

Go ebony ! Love you work!


Brooke Cameron


Ganon Dorf

I guess I'll stop kidnapping zelda so I can save the turtles




Miss G



8 navigator drive singleton


Michelle Thompson


Cadence Clayton



Skye Marwick


Bradley Huntley


Tai Ettridge