I've created this page because I want to help protect nature and our planet!
I have been learning about koalas and when I read about how their habitats are getting destroyed, I felt sad for the koalas. I wanted to help them.
I have decided to help the koalas survive these threats to their habitats by making this fundraising page to raise money through World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Australia.
On August 25th, I will be running my longest and hardest distance yet at the Lake Macquarie Running Festival - 10km!
To get ready for the race, I will be training with my Dad. I am aiming to go for 4 runs every week.
Please consider clicking the DONATE button to support my efforts.
I'm passionate about saving nature and our planet! My fundraising can help protect Koalas and their homes.
The money raised will go towards upgrading koala hospitals and helping to regrow their habitats.
Please consider donating to my page and helping WWF-Australia protect our precious nature. Your support would mean the world to me.
Thank you so much!
My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target
Thank you to my sponsors for helping to save the planet!

Aunty Loo Loo

David Payne

Alex Brownsmith
Henry, I am very proud of you for being so passionate about something. I know this is going to be a big challenge for you but I also know you are going to smash it. Love you! Mum x

Lauren Rasche
Hey Henry, it’s Lauren, Jordan and Keelan. We are so proud of you!!

The Peters
So proud of you H. You have done an amazing thing raising money for the Koalas and sticking to your running goal. We are all super impressed!

Grandma And Pop
We are very proud of you working for such a good cause, Henry. Good luck with your run. Hope you enjoy it. xx

Kathy Thomas

Jess Rayner
Great job H! It's amazing and inspiring that you are combing your love or running with an such a wonderful cause.

Tommy Crockett
Way to go Henry- from Tommy

The Willdays
Well done Henry!!

Aunty Sach
Well done Henry on supporting a great cause! Good luck with the run - you will smash it! Love lots, Aunty Sach xx

Bella Rasche
Go Henry!

Heather Woollard

Well done and good luck 👏
I love that you are so passionate about helping koalas Henry and I know you will run hard to make a difference! Good luck- So proud of you x