Maureen's Birthday Gift in Memory: Honouring Matthew's Love for Nature

By Maureen Smith

Maureen's birthday wish: To protect nature in loving memory of her son, Matthew. 

In loving memory of Matthew, a dedicated advocate for our planet, Maureen's birthday this year takes on a special meaning. To honor Matthew's passion for nature, Maureen is asking for donations to WWF-Australia in his name. In lieu of gifts, donations to WWF-Australia will ensure a lasting impact on the wildlife and wild places Matthew cherished.

Your generosity will be a beautiful tribute to his memory. Thank you.

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Maureen Smith


Robby Surjadi

Happy Birthday Maureen! This is for Mathew


Liz Clarke

Happy birthday Maudie. Love Liz C. Xxxxx


Sergio Fuentealba And Greg Smith

So Happy to be celebrating a big milestone birthday.. Lots luv Sergio and Greg


David Pratley

wishing you a wonderful birthday, Maureen, what a lovely gesture to dedicate all gifts to this cause!


Vicki James


Sharon Smith

Happy Birthday Maureen For Matt❤️❤️


Maureen Smith

From Santina and John


Maureen Smith

Irene and Sean