Community Fundraising Logo Guidelines

Community Fundraising Individual Logo

Community Fundraising Individual Logo

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Community Fundraising Team Logo

Community Fundraising Team Logo

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What you can use the Community Fundraising logo for:  

  1. Social posts directly promoting your fundraising activity for WWF
  2. Email banners directly promoting your fundraising activity for WWF
  3. Webpages directly promoting your fundraising activity for WWF – however, please note that the URL of the page will need to be shared with the WWF-Australia Community Fundraising team for review by emailing
  4. Use for the duration of your fundraiser  


What you can’t use the Community Fundraising logo for:  

  1. Print posters, and other print material (without prior approval)
  2. Products
  3. Packaging
  4. Any item for sale
  5. TV
  6. Paid ads
  7. Clothing
  8. Billboards
  9. Bill posters
  10. Printed material that is displayed offsite of your premises 


If you are creating something in the above list, we can’t supply you with the logo for these, but you are very welcome to mention us by name ‘proudly supporting WWF-Australia on any medium.  



  1. Your fundraising activity may be promoted as ‘proudly supporting WWF-Australia’.
  2. The fundraiser must not be promoted as a partnership i.e., ‘WWF & XYZ Company’.   
  3. No variations of the artwork will be approved. Please do not photoshop the designs or add any text or logos. 
  4. The logo should always include the full text ‘I’M/WE’RE FUNDRAISING FOR THE FUTURE’. Please don’t crop it out.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our Community Fundraising team by emailing